We had a terrific response to our summer clothing drive for Allison Elementary and Juan Navarro High School in North Austin. Thank you to all the families who contributed much-needed clothes, shoes, and hangers. Everything will truly be appreciated.
In mid-September, we delivered summer clothes to Allison Elementary (East Austin) and to Mariposa Child Development Center (Also East Austin). The staff were so grateful and said the students will truly appreciate all that was
We will have a winter clothing drive in October/ November for both of these schools and hope that you will consider donating again. Thank you for helping your neighboring village!
At the end of September, clothing was distributed at Juan Navarro HS. Many thanks to volunteers Debbie D., Nina, and Debbie P for hours of sorting and Michaela, Larry and Debbie D for their time hanging the clothes at the school. Also, thanks to PromRack for lending us the clothing racks to make the project a success.
Thanks, Mrs. Irvin